Insider Tips on Transportation


There are so many details to consider when planning a wedding, and we’re sure you have thought most of them through already. 


You’ve chosen your bridesmaids and groomsmen, booked the venue, chosen the caterers, and selected your flowers and linens. 


But an easy detail to forget? How you and your bridal party are going to get to the venue and then back home. 


This month we’re taking you through everything you need to know, so you and others don’t get left calling ride shares to get to the ceremony on time!


Choosing the Right Company


Reviews, reviews, reviews! The best way to know that a company is trustworthy and going to get you to and from each part of your wedding safely and on time is to check out what their previous customers have said. 

You’re also going to want to pay attention to what each company offers and how it fits with your budget. Options to consider are how many vehicles and what types of vehicles you’ll want…as well as any fees the company includes for distance traveled. 


Who Should Be Included


Not everyone in attendance needs to be accounted for when planning transportation, so you and your budget can take a breath of relief. 

The first people to consider when arranging transportation are your VIPs – bridal party, parents, and grandparents. 

We also suggest including your photographers and (if needed) your officiant. This way the people you need to be at the ceremony the most are guaranteed to be on time!

Others to consider planning transportation for are those traveling from out of town who will not have their own vehicle. This is not always necessary, especially living in the world of ride shares; however, it is a nice touch if you have room in your budget for it. 

Just like every part of wedding planning, the specifics are up to you, so include whoever you want! 


Planning Out the Timing


For each part of your big day, you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time in case traffic is worse than usual or the weather causes delays. 

So, step one is adding 20-30 minutes to whatever is the typical amount of time it takes to get to each stop. 

The next step is making sure that you consider each location you’ll be going to on the big day. 

This can include traveling from where you’ll be getting ready to the ceremony, from the ceremony to the reception venue (if applicable), and then back from the venue to where you’ll be spending the night whether that’s at home, a hotel, or another destination. 

It’s easy to forget about getting back home for the night, but you don’t want to get stuck waiting at the venue while everything gets cleaned up! 


Well there you have it! You’re ready to book transportation and continue the wedding planning process. Stay tuned for next month’s blog for more help along the way! 

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